MD 09 is a highly absorbent natural mineral with approximately 18-20 million active particles per kilogram. The particle size has been especially selected and plays an important role in improving the physical integrity of droppings.
Mode of Action : - Water Holding Capacity
- Osmotic Regulation
- Integrity of Fecal Formation
MD 09 is a unique and optimal moisture manager to aid in control of wet droppings and reduce wet litter in poultry houses.
Negative affect of wet litter:
- High bacterial load
- Odor production (Ammonia)
- Insect problem
- Soiled feathers
- Footpad lesions
- Breast blisters
- Reduced performance
- Predisposition to disease
- Increased turn over of litter
MD 09 reduces excess free water in the feces. When fed to your poultry, MD 09 bypasses digestion and absorbs the excess free moisture before excretion, adding structure to the feces.
Characteristics MD 09 :
- Type : Bentonite
- Bulk Density (Tapped) : 610 kg/m3
- Particle Size : 400 - 600 Micron meter
410 N Michigan Ave Suite 400
Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA
phone:+1 312 321 1887